UMH-56-12 Capsule Slip-Ring Hollow Shaft
UMH Capsule Slip-Ring developed by Uğur
Karbon’s specialized R&D team in 2013 is an electromechanical
distributor to transfer electricity from a fixed structure to rotating and
moving systems.
UMH Capsule Slip-Rings with special alloyed silver or gold plated wire
structure are manufactured based on Fiber Brush technology with a
precision of 6 milivolt.
UMH Capsule Slip-Rings are not affected by environmental factors due to its
construction with 2 bearings.
Our standard Slip-Ring Models with a power of 40 ampere, and 2/6/12/18 and 24 channel options, has IP-56 protection class.
UMH Capsule Slip-Rings are the most suitable electricity distributors to
work with hydraulic and pneumatic systems, due to its 50.000.000 rotation life
and mountability.